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User Guide


An application which helps to enhance and declutter your life in COMIC SANS.

Sincere, Simple and Straightforward

Why should I care?

Add Todo, Event and Deadline: todo event deadline

Keep track of your tasks in a simple and straight manner.

Example of usage

Mark tasks as done: done

Mark your tasks as done once its done. Its just that simple!

Example of usage

Delete tasks: delete

Delete it if its a mistake just like you are.

Example of usage:

List all tasks: list

Sees all your tasks and makes you feel stressed or happy depending on how long the list is.

Example of usage:

Find a task: find

Find your tasks by searching for the description.

Example of usage:

Exit duke: bye

Saves all input and exits duke.

Example of usage:

Warning: If you close window without properly exiting duke, progress will be lost.

What are you waiting for? Go comic sans